How should a hunter celebrate Earth Day?

On April 22, 2010, in Uncategorized, by Game Glide

While I am not into all of the supposed agenda behind Earth Day, as a hunter (and fisherman) what should I do to celebrate Earth day?

Any ideas of what I should do today (in non-preachy way, please).

I was thinking about collecting a bag of walnuts and acorns out of my yard (will make the wife happy too) from my tree, walking my property and stepping them into the ground.   This also gives me a reason to walk the property and get some much needed exercise…

I could also look for some yummy morel mushrooms, being sure to put them in a mesh bag to spread their spores.

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2 Responses to “How should a hunter celebrate Earth Day?”

  1. Cory Glauner says:

    I feel that I celebrate earth day each time I’m outside doing what I love. That’s why I fight so hard to protect it.

  2. Game Glide says:

    Same here brother! Well put.
