Survey – Highs and Lows of Hunting

On May 3, 2010, in Uncategorized, by Game Glide

Please Tweet a Direct message to (d @GameGlide) and let us know your most favorite and least favorite aspects of deer hunting.  Or even send me an email message:  We are requesting  your feedback. 

And please limit it to 5 examples (1-3 word examples) of each.  I am sure than many of you could write a novel about this subject.

This is the preliminary portion of the survey.  We will gather your feedback, see how it compares to our internal list and then compile everything into 2 lists.  Afterwards, we will Tweet out a survey to everyone and let you all vote on it. 

Our goal with this list is to gather information to use in future discussions and tweets with you all with the hope of sharing the tips to maximize the highs and minimize the lows… 

I am curious to hear what you all have to say.  I am sure that some of the favorites/hates are universal, but I am sure that we all can learn a thing or two from this survey.

Please take 2 seconds and send me a direct message with your favorites and least favorites.

Thanks in advance!


And deer hunters please be patient, the Game Glide will be out soon!  It is the hottest new deer drag aid.  It makes dragging deer up to 46% easier.

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