Wild Animals within City Limits

On April 27, 2010, in Uncategorized, by Game Glide

What wild game have you seen within your local metro area?  I am still always astounded when I see animals so close to the skyscrapers in Pittsburgh. 

Today, I saw 2 deer about 1 mile north of the Veteran’s Bridge into the city and then a turkey at about 1.5 miles.  Therefore it stands to reason that there are predators too.  I was very surprised to see a coyote about 1 mile north of the bridge back in February.  Pretty close to where I saw the deer today.

I told my friend about this and he informed me that there was even a local newsstory recently, because my coyote (or some other coyote) was killed on that road. 

Here is the coyote story:  http://www.wpxi.com/news/23014815/detail.html

Where have you been surprised to see interesting wild game?


And deer hunters please be patient, the Game Glide will be out soon!  It is the hottest new deer drag aid.  It makes dragging deer up to 46% easier.

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